We are thrilled the time has finally come where we have been given approval to reopen our venue and commence trainings & competitions.
We will be continuing an extended season from where we left off in March; starting from the week of July 20th (when the third term of school begins) all the way through until December.
To allow for better planning, Coaches & Team Managers have been asked to reply to our survey on behalf of their teams confirming your intention to return. We have decided to extend this deadline until Wednesday 10 June 2020 at 5pm.
Please read the new competition restrictions below. Coaches or Managers of teams who still need to submit their intention to return can then complete the survey which can be found here.
Please note teams who do not respond will not be added to fixtures.
Basketball WA Restrictions
KDBA is currently following the road map of policies and guidelines set by Basketball WA to allow for a safe hygienic return to local basketball.
During the current phase, we need to adhere to the new restrictions below:
- To lower the total number of patrons in the stadium at one time, we are prohibited from having parents and spectators in the venue . This means Coaches/Team Managers will have the responsibility of organising a drop off/pick up point with their players and their parents. Teams will enter the stadium together a maximum of 10 minutes prior to their game and exit together directly after the game. Coaches/Team managers must not leave their players until they are all safely picked up.
- We are required to have a 20 minute gap between game time slots. In this time to exit all patrons as quick as possible, do a full stadium sanitise and then re-open the doors for the next time slot. We will have different designated entry/exit points & the doors will be locked during each time slot.
- We will have sanitising stations at foyer entries and on the courts to sanitise hands.
- Players must be registered prior to arrival as we will have team lists printed and will be marking off people as they enter. These records are a requirement and are essential for any possible contact tracing. Given this, we will be increasing the fines and penalties for any players playing under an assumed name.
- Every team’s coach, assistant coach and team managers must have completed the COVID-19 infection control online training module which can be found here. You will only be added to your team list at the door and granted entry once you have emailed a copy of your certificate to competition@sunsbasketball.com.au. Please note that teams who have not supplied us with these will not be permitted to play.
From Now to 20 July 2020
We will be releasing more information on our website and social media over the next few days regarding what is happening over the next 5 weeks.
We will be open Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays running some form of structured basketball in the form of clinics, 3×3 and shoot arounds. We will also be taking court bookings for team trainings These bookings will be limited, so start thinking about if your team would like to get back on court prior to the season recommencing.
Please keep in mind, these activities and bookings will be scheduled for specific times and will incorporate the same restrictions mentioned above.
On behalf of the KDBA Competitions Group, thank you all for your patience and cooperation while we are returning to a full strength competition!