Our Season 1 – 2023 Junior Competitions sold out

Register early for Season 2 to avoid disappointment

Competition starts the week school goes back

Note that we do not accept or manage individual player registrations and recommend that you reach out to one of our associated clubs using the details here CLUB CONTACTS

Season 2 – 2023 (Term 3 & 4 of school)

Games will start at 4pm Monday & Wednesday and 3.45pm Thursdays.

Game Times are as per below;

Monday & Wednesday

8 game times: 4:00pm, 4:45pm, 5:30pm, 6:15pm, 7:00pm, 7:45pm, 8:30pm, 9:15pm

Format: (45 minute slot) 19 minute halves, 2 minute half times, 5 minutes between games


4 game times: 3:45pm, 4:30pm, 5:15pm, 6:00pm

Format: (45 minute slot) 19 minute halves, 2 minute half times, 5 minutes between games

Season 2 – 2023 starting dates:

Round 1 for Seniors & Juniors is Monday 17th July 2023

Check out the tables below to see what days competitions play;

To register a team, please click on one of the registration buttons below. This will start the registration process in a new window.


Team registration periods are opened in November (for Season 1 the following year) and June (for Season 2 in the same year).

As part of the online process you will need to pay the $65.00 nomination fee, the remaining $310 will be invoiced and must be paid by round 4.

To register a team through a club that will provide uniforms, do not enter the team yourself, contact them: www.sunsbasketball.com.au/club-contacts/

Please note that KDBA does not create, run or manage teams in our local competitions and all teams are either run independently or by a club.

KDBA does not set or collect club fees, these are set and collected by each individual club.

To discuss club fees or club information please contact your club directly


Please select which competition and division you register for carefully as once competitions have started, there will be no changing of competitions/divisions.

Competition are by birth year, not school year (Apart from Rising Suns). Example if you are 14 within a year you would play U16’s, However if you are 15 but turning 16 later in the year you would play U18’s

The following factors should be considered when selecting a competition:

  • It is suggested that teams consisting largely of players who have not played before, or who have limited playing experience, nominate in the lowest division for an age group (e.g. division 2 for girls competitions and division 3 or 4 for boys competitions).
  • Teams who are experienced, or have WABL level players, should register in the top divisions for their age group (e.g. division 1 for girls and division 1 or 2 for boys competition).
  • The Rising Suns program is a development program for children who are new to the game and who want to learn the rules of basketball and is based on school years 2/3 or 4/5.

Please note that if there are not enough teams for a competition/division to be considered viable by the Association, teams may be placed in another competition/division at the discretion of the Association.

Limited regrading will be done after round 4 of competitions. In general, teams who have won every game by large amounts may be regraded up to a higher division. Teams who have lost every game by large amounts may be regraded down a division. Other factors including teams played and winning/losing margins will also be taken into consideration.

Regrading is at the discretion of the Association and once done, there will be no further regrading for the season unless deemed an extraordinary circumstance by the Association.


The following table lists some of the Local Competition fees:




Team Nomination Fee
Nomination fee paid by each team to nominate each season. This fee is payable as part of the registration process and is non-refundable.
$65.00 (per team)
Team Registration Fee
Season registration fee payable by each team. Teams will be invoiced for this fee prior to the season starting with full payment due by the end of the fourth round of the season.
$310.00 (per team)
Game Fee
$62.00 (per team)
$9.00 (per player)
Development Program Fees
Rising Suns Development League (per game)
$9.00 (per player)
Late Nomination Fee
Teams who nominate after the nomination closing date will be charged a late fee. Late nominating teams will not be put into competition until round 5 and will also need to pay the full nomination/registration/late fee prior to being accepted into a competition.
$50.00 (per team)


Please contact us directly if you are wanting to register a team after the registration period as we are extremely limited for space.

Teams nominating late to pay the full nomination/registration fee of $375.00 and the late nomination fee of $50 prior to being put into competition.

Teams nominating late will be put into competition after round 4 of the season.


Teams wishing to withdraw should advise our Competition Manager as soon as possible. Teams that withdraw prior to the season starting, and have paid the nomination and registration fees will be refunded the registration fee portion only.

Teams that withdraw once the season has started will receive a partial refund on their registration fee as per the table below.



Prior to season commencing
Full amount of any registration fee paid. Nomination fee non-refundable.
Within first four rounds of the season
Refund of any portion of registration fee paid that is over $100. If a team withdraws and has not paid at least $100 for registration, they will be invoiced for the amount of $100 minus any registration fee they have already paid.
Nomination fee non-refundable.
After the first four rounds but less than half the season.
$100 (provided the team is financial with the Association)
Nomination fee non-refundable.
After the first half of the season.
No refund.

Please note that the registration link will only be active during registration periods. If you are wanting to register a team outside of these periods, please contact us directly.